The week of the crusade was a whirlwind. We started in the mornings in the outer parts of Bulanga by doing personal evangelism. I have to admit I was nervous! Let's face it, "door-to-door" evangelism is NOT an effective method in the USA. So I was very apprehensive. But knowing that we serve a BIG God I knew faithfulness was my only choice. The first day Brenda and I saw 16 people come to know the Lord. And that was only in an hour and a half!
This was our team in front of the new church in Bulanga.
This is my team; Me, Pastor Robert, Brenda and Silivia.
As we followed Pastor Robert (I swear this man was receiving walking directions straight from God), we met this sweet family. They were so excited and so proud.
This is their brand new baby girl (she is two weeks old in this picture).
Some kids I had to stop and play with.
Pastor Robert praying for an elderly woman who cared for her young grandchildren.
I was so touched by the striking difference in the color of our skin and yet our love for the Lord makes us family.
(These are the hands of Kim Thompson and our dear friend Samuel).
One family that became very special to Brenda and myself.
This is little Mumino and his Grandmother (and Brenda too!)
This grandmother is raising her grandson after he was abandoned by his father.
Taking a break at Pastor Godfrey's house
Lori and Cheryl relaxing against the news paper/wall paper.
It was so nice to get out of the hot sun! Uganda is right on the equator. We all came back with amazing tans (everyone but me!).
I was really missing my kids so I took every opportunity to hold babies. This sweet little girl was hanging out all day with her older sister (who was about 5).
One day our bus broke down. Well, if you combine me with confined spaces and heat you get silly. Here I am as "Aunt Jemima."
One of the cute kids spying on my through the trees.
Me and my camera doing what we do best.
Teaching some of the neighborhood kids "Father Abraham"
A typical apartment complex.
This young girl was actually selling these bananas.
This week was amazing. God answered our prayers and we saw his face everywhere we looked. We saw a woman who was paralyzed - HEALED!! We saw another woman who was in intense pain from cysts and her pain was GONE. We saw it rain all around the village of Bulanga but not a drop in the center where we were. God did miraculous things!!!!