25 October 2008

Joanna's Wedding

One of the reasons for the timing of our trip was attending the wedding of Pastor Robert's daughter Joanna. We even had special African wedding clothes made for us. (I'm the one with the triangular fluffy hair. My lying "friends" told me that it looked just fine (there are no mirrors in Uganda). Anyway, here is the proof that Christians are indeed capable of lying. :) (You know I love you guys). Ah, the beautiful bride.
Joanna's younger sister Joy

Fred and Joanna at the very PINK reception. The even put firecrackers on the wedding cake!
This guy was amazing. In Uganda, it's OK to sing along with your favorite song. So this guy was singing along with his song and all the while I was mesmerized by his bouncing USA belt buckle.
I found more kids...
Joanna's bouquet
Pastor Robert and Mama Joy
Two of the hottest African woman I have ever seen...literally.

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