02 May 2008

A Visit From Nana and Griff!

For Rick's 30th birthday, his Mom and Grandmother flew all the way from Florida to help us celebrate. We had a really great visit. Not to mention, they were an amazing help to me with the kids. They did my dishes AND my laundry daily! I've had a hard time getting back into the swing of things since they have been gone.

This visit we went down to Bridgeport. It's a section of the beautiful Yuba river that has this amazing covered bridge. We took lots of pictures of the grandmother's with the kiddos.

I know I'll treasure these for a long time.
One day I came upon Griff reading to Jack. They were so cute together!
He looks like he's saying, "Hey, you have a mouth too!"
This is Griff posing on some rocks down by the river. She is one of the sweetest ladies in my life. I'M KEEPIN' HER!
Since we were at the river, the kids had to get in. Forget the fact that the main source of water for the Yuba is snow run-off. It was ICY COLD!!
Even Nana Phyllis got in. She was more brave than I am! That's one of the reasons I love her so much. She is CRAZY!! She has all the good making's of a wonderful Nana. She's amazing. We miss you Nana!Jack actually sat down in the water. His legs were freezing cold. Not mention the 10lbs diaper that was hanging off of him. It was probably weighing him down!This is one of my favorite pictures lately. Caroline was checking out Jack's huge diaper/ Look at her face! HAHA!
We finished their visit by having dinner with my parents. Which, of course came with rides in my Dad's new Corvette! Talk about a photo-op!

1 comments from cool people:

SouthAsiaRocks said...

whoo hoo! Awesome!! Looks like fun!