02 July 2008

VBS! Outrigger Island

We just finished up VBS at our church and it was SO MUCH FUN!!! It was Outrigger Island where we learn to live God's un-shakable truth! Here's me and the kiddos all ready to go! Caroline went straight to the white board in her class room!
This was Jack's first year participating VBS and he had a great time.
Mark Hadley and I shared a time slot for music and story time with the preschoolers. We had an actual turtle in our classroom to help tell the story. We named her "Crush" just for the week. The kids loved the turtle and Mark quickly became known as "The Turtle Whisperer".
I just loved these little guys!

2 comments from cool people:

Anonymous said...

Ummm, I just want to say...you look AWESOME! Have you been working out? I really should start. Oh, and your kids are cute too!

The Whipple Family: said...

How fun! I LOVED VBS as a kid!